How to read your electricity bill
Every billing period, which is typically one month, we send you a power bill and debit your bank account for the amount. Your bill is emailed to you and comes in two parts: an email summary, and a statement with an invoice, attached as a pdf.

The email summary looks like this:
It shows how much you owe for the billing period and when this will be charged.
At the top right is your account number. This is unique to you. Even if you have more than one address being supplied by Octopus Energy, you will only have one account number.
You can update your payment details from the link on this email and access all the other information and contacts you need for assistance.
Your energy bill statement looks like this:
It’s the first page of the pdf attached to the summary email shows the status of your account, your current balance and when payment is due.
You can see all the account transactions, including charges and credits, and the closing balance for the billing period.
The address in the top left corner is your billing address
'Account' is your unique Octopus Energy account number
'Statement' is the number of this statement
'Issue date' is the date this statement was issued
'Current balance' shows the total amount owing, including any arrears
'Payment due' shows the date your payment will be debited from your bank account
'Opening balance' shows the amount of your previous bill
'Debit card collection' shows any debit card payments you’ve made since your last bill
'Electricity charge' shows the cost of the electricity you’ve used since your last bill
'Closing balance' shows the total amount owing including any arrears or credit from previous bills, and any credits or fees applied
The next page of the pdf is your energy bill tax invoice:
If you have more than one property supplied by Octopus Energy NZ, you will have an invoice which breaks down the energy you’ve used on the plan you’ve chosen for each property.
It shows the quantity of power you used at different times of day and the rates of these tariffs.
The address in the top hand corner is the property we’re supplying
'ICP' is the unique number for the electricity connection point between your property and the power line
'Account' is your unique Octopus Energy account number
'Invoice' is the number of this invoice
'Posted date' is the day this invoice will have been emailed to you
'User plan' (below the ICP number) is the tariff you have chosen for this address and beside this is the type of customer you are e.g. a ‘Low User’ or a ‘Standard User’
'Daily charge' is the daily rate to supply you with electricity multiplied by the number of the days in the billing period
'Tariffs' are the rates you pay for electricity at a certain time of the day. 'Off-peak' is a rate for the specific time of day you used electricity across the billing period. You can see the price per kWh, the number of kWhs and what this adds up to. 'Peak' and 'Night' are also rates for specific times of day designed to help you save electricity and money
'Rate' is the price per kWh for the specific time of day
'Total' (in bold) is the total amount for the invoice